Thursday, October 14, 2010

Touring with KC friends, Civitella del Tronto, Gola del Infernaccio, etc

Here are some photos from a few of my favorite local places to visit.  We saw a lot of the Ascoli Piceno province, visiting cheese makers, wineries, fortresses, national parks, chocolate factory, salami producers, churches, piazzas, a lavendar farm, the plateau of Castelluccio, a cooking school, lots of good restaurants and that is just a start.  Here are pictures also of San Leonardo church up in the mountains and the work of a Franciscan brother who has put every stone in place the last 40 years.  Fr. Pietro Lavini is now 83 and says he will never finish.  It was first built by the Benedictines in the 800's and had completely collapsed with the few standing parts having been used as an animal stall before he started his work.  A similar story to St. Francis in some ways.
Mike getting ready to enter the "mouth of hell"

Elizabeth's lavendar farm at Lavanda Blu near Carrasai.  She also taught the ladies how to make incredible olive ascolane!

That's Fr. Pietro on the left building the bell tower.

He refused to let anyone set one stone on top of another although he did get help with iron work and some friends help him in other ways.  He lived up here alone until last year when his heart trouble forced him into the lower altitudes in winter.  He still does midnight mass on Christmas eve up here.

Greg trying out some rose hips

Bacco in his favorite place-midstream
I love the altopiano of Castelluccio, this pic was prettier in winter

Civitella del Tronto, last fort to fall in the unification war of Italy, a great view and great place to visit.

Autumn leaves at altitude

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